Poultry and Rabbits

 We raise chickens for meat and eggs.  We have had many types of chickens over the years.  Currently we have Buff Orpingtons, Araucanas, Rhode Island Reds, and some Barred Rocks. They provide more than enough eggs for us, and a few customers.  We have several kinds of geese including Embden, Buff, Pilgrim, and Sebastopol.  The geese are great for keeping the grass mowed around the barn in the hard to reach areas.  They take their job seriously.  We currently have Narragansett turkeys that range around the farm.  We have a few Pekin ducks that lay nice eggs for making pound cakes, but the Muscovy ducks provide serious bug control.  Many people do not care for the appearance of the Muscovys, but we really like their temperament and quiet nature.  They are wonderful at raising their own young and will set eggs any time of the year.


No farm is complete without a cute cuddly rabbit!  We do raise rabbits for meat, and also to supplement the food ration of our dogs and cats.  We are not advocates of selling pet rabbits, as things usually end badly for the rabbit.  Rabbit is a wonderful source of lean meat, that despite the cliche, does taste a lot like chicken!  Our breeds are Silver Fox, Californian, and New Zealand Whites.  We also have a few mutt rabbits that fit nicely in our breeding program.